interior furniture ™

solutions, inc

Management Team
Mel Cerruti, President
IFS was started by Mel in response to the marketplace asking for a dealer that was truly committed to service excellence. Mel has 15 years industry experience and has held various management positions with furniture manufacturers and several local furniture dealerships. Mel understands furniture issues that the End User and A&D community constantly are challenged with and to provide solutions that meet or exceed expectations. The entire IFS organization strives to provide an exceptional customer experience.
Anna Ford, Vice President
Anna began her career after receiving her four year degree in interior design. She has 14 years industry experience working with several furniture dealerships in multiple capacities. Anna has worked on several large client projects assisting the customers and A&D firms in the selection and installation of furniture. Her attention to detail has earned her accolades by customers for delivering highly successful projects.


INTEGRITY:                          To be open, honest and transparent with our client partners.

Our commitment is to continually strive to exceed expectations.
                                                     Ultimately, providing an exceptional customer experience.

Offering quality products and space planning ideas, to fulfill
the requirements of our clients.

Supporting a "Greener" planet, by being conscientious stewards of 
                                                    of our community and environment.

  Earn our clients' trust for establishing a long-term business 
                                                    partnership, due in-part to reliable and dependable performance.           

"Interior Furniture Solutions is one of our Association's most highly regarded vendors."
Nancy K., Director of Facilities